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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions for TrashCon

Generic FAQs

MSW in India is primarily wet (60-80% of our MSW is wet) due to curries, sambhar, curd, dals, chutneys etc. while the waste in the West is predominantly dry.

Hence, a lot of foreign technologies have failed in India as they cannot work with the waste with such high moisture content.

If waste is unsegregated, it cannot be composted, hence it gets dumped generally in landfills, many times on streets, in rivers and even oceans. When it is dumped, it generates harmful greenhouse gases that even catch fire during summers. Most importantly, it generates leachate that percolates ground water and people living around such areas suffer from innumerable diseases including lung cancer.

This waste menace is causing 22 different types of diseases and is killing the kids and adults alike. Kids near a landfill in Bangalore are born with respiratory cancer
(read here –

TrashBot FAQs

We take mixed municipal waste. Mixed municipal waste is the waste from the streets, houses, shops, and hotels etc. It comprises of both wet and dry waste like kitchen waste, plastic waste, canteen waste, thermocol, cardboard etc.

All over the world, awareness about segregation is being created. Despite this, segregation has not reached up to the mark in developing countries. Even in developed countries in Europe still the majority of their waste is unsegregated.

Moreover, the waste handlers are being burdened to segregate waste with their own hands, which causes all kinds of diseases including COVID. We do not wish to segregate our waste, why would you want somebody else to segregate your waste.

TrashBot segregates the waste automatically without manual intervention to an efficiency of 85% segregation in wet waste.

  • Wet Output with an efficiency of 85%. The efficiency may vary depending upon the waste type and other factors.
  • Dry Output which may contain plastics, paper, some organics and dust/sand.
  • Ferrous Metals

Take a sample of wet output at the time of segregation, manually separate out the plastics. Weigh the initial sample and the separated plastic sample.

Plastics % = Weight of plastics/ (weight of initial sample – plastics)

It is very important that segregation efficiency be determined at the time of segregation and not after 3, 7 or 30 days! Why?
Suppose today’s segregated wet waste is 100 Kg in which there is 10 kgs of plastics, hence the segregation efficiency is 90%. You put it for composting. After 10-15 days, the wet component is reduced to 90 kgs of waste (as 90% of wet waste is water) and we are left with 10 kgs of wet and 10 kgs of plastics which is not a right way to measure efficiency.
The 10 Kgs plastics is now easily sieved using a sieve and reused for RDF or recycling.

Even with every household segregating manually, 80% is the maximum achieved segregation, it is the best that Municipalities have achieved, and the current practice involves subjecting this waste to composting and screening whatever remaining plastics may be their post conversion of wet waste to compost. Hence, 85% using TrashBot is much better than current manual practices and is more sustainable.

Nothing is 100% and it is impossible to do that. However, we have additional systems which can provide up to 98% efficiencies. In case your application requires 100% then one person can remove remaining 2% contaminants visually.

Dry output comprises of plastics, paper, cardboard, twigs, leaves, dust/sand etc (although plastics and cardboard enter both wet and dry waste!).
These can be recycled using TrashCon’s recycling technology WoWRecycler where we convert them into lumbers or recycled sheets.
In case the customer is not able to procure TrashCon’s recycling technology at the moment, we suggest sending the dry output as RDF to the nearest cement plant or to a local recycler. Further, you can even send it to waste to energy plants if available.

Restricted Input – Biomedical waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste, metals, construction and demolition waste, hardware, e-waste, blanket, carpet, big wood logs, agricultural waste, radioactive waste, any item with dimensions bigger than size of the cleat, bigger than shredder size, any item with thickness more than 5 mm.
We have provided provision for pre-sorting of restricted inputs and suitable manpower is required to be stationed for this purpose.

We have units running across multiple states at all levels – townships, IT parks, municipalities, and villages.

With every Trashbot segregating 2 tons/day, every day you save.

  • 1200 kg of greenhouse gases
  • 432 kg of CO2
  • You prevent 22 different types of diseases including COVID for your people.
  • Prevent land, water, and air pollution.
  • Minimize waste being dumped to landfills.
  • Create a cleaner and better tomorrow for your future generations.
  • Achieves 13 out of 17 of the United Nations’ – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Provides dignified employment to at least 3 to 4 erstwhile waste-pickers, and now they would not anymore have to touch waste with their bare hands.

Watch this video to get detailed reasons:

Optical sorters work only when waste is primarily dry and are used to extract one particular component from many types of material. Example they can be used to extract PET bottles from collection of waste however, Optical Sorters do not work when mixed waste is passed through them. TrashBot handles this dirty mixed waste which cannot be handled by optical sorters.
Optical sorters can be used for further separation of plastics from dry output.

TrashBots are not at all expensive if you consider the following factors

  • Our equipment have been designed and manufactured to last for decades and to take the brunt of the toxic and corrosive environment that they are exposed to in the field.
  • All our equipment is made from material from reputed brands and no local components are used. All our machining and operations under go strict Quality Check.
  • We use the following brands:
  1. Steel from JSW, Tata Steel or equivalent
  2. Electrical from Siemens, Schneider or equivalent
  3. Wires from LAPP Italy or equivalent
  4. Bearings from SKF, NTN Japan or equivalent
  5. Even our nuts and bolts are from TVS or Unbreako which cost 10x the local nuts or bolts.
  • The customer saves not only in terms of environmental cost but also in terms of operational cost as compared to the existing practice of dumping the waste. The payback can be as fast as 2 years for the equipment cost.